The 4 Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Navigating Divorce

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Navigating Divorce

October 15, 20222 min read

With the right perspective and some hard work, divorce can truly be a positive change in your life. You can set a positive trajectory for the rest of your life and your family’s future — and you can even come out the other side as a better version of yourself. But in order to succeed, you have to know how to avoid the most common mistakes women make when going through a divorce. Here’s what to watch out for:

Having a negative mindset: Don’t make this any harder on yourself than it already is! It doesn’t matter how you got to this point – you now have to shift your focus on moving forward. By continuing to wallow in self-pity, you’re attacking your own self-worth and perpetuating feelings of shame and victimization.

Lack of self care: It’s time to finally put your own needs at the top of the list. Not prioritizing yourself puts you at risk to be a powerless bystander in your divorce, instead of taking this time for personal discovery and transformation.

Not knowing yourself, your goals, and your dreams: How can you know where you’re going if you don’t have the directions you need to get there? Understanding who you are and what you want is your personal roadmap to the future of your dreams.

Being unprepared: Showing up at your lawyer’s office without a plan is like hiring a contractor to paint your house without picking out the colours first. Make sure you know the facts, do the work, and manage the process thoroughly. Your divorce is a project that you are capable of running as you work towards living your best life.

Want to avoid costly mistakes in your divorce? That’s where the Divorce Readiness coaching program comes in—it's here to help guide you, give you clarity, and make sure you’re not doing it alone. Curious? Click here to book a chat with us. This is an investment your future self will thank you for. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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Feel whole, hopeful and happy while you crush divorce and transform into your authentic self with quick wins, mindset shifts and growth through mindful reflection. All that helped me to quickly re-set during challenging and forgiving times through divorce.

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