Whether the end of your marriage left you with a couple of bruised lemons or a big bag of rotten ones, this book will guide you do to exactly what its title promises: make lemonade.

— Shannon Moroney, Therapist & Bestselling Author of Through the Glass and Heal for Real

What if you could wake up every day unstuck and moving forward with a life filled with purpose according to who you are and what you want – where divorce does not define your day to day?

Be surrounded by empowered women who get it because they have done it! View your divorce with purpose and not regret or worry about what other people think! Live happy, peaceful and free from fear! Establish healthy boundaries, communicate with confidence and consciously co-parent. You can – and founder of Lemonade Life and creator of Unwife Alicia Robertson will show you the way in her new book Make Lemonade: Thrive Through Divorce by Transforming Your Life.

Alicia brilliantly identifies divorce as a portal for personal transformation. This masterpiece provides an empowering road map to not only get through your divorce, but to transform your darkest days into a powerful catalyst to become the highest version of yourself. Alicia boldly leads by example and shows you how to create a “next chapter” that will, undoubtedly, exceed your deepest desires-all delivered in a truly practical, child-focused, and compassionate way.

— Radhika Lakhani, Divorce Lawyer, Mediator & Conscious Co-Parenting Coach

Access the exact roadmap that I used to navigate my divorce!

Make Lemonade is available with these retailers…


Alicia Robertson is passionate about helping women to divorce with confidence. She is a certified life coach, founder of Lemonade Life and creator of Unwife, a flagship program that teaches women to thrive through divorce. Trained in mindfulness, positive psychology, and neuroscience, Alicia helps women to navigate divorce with grit and grace, become confident and informed decision-makers, and create their best life.

In addition to her consulting and online group programs, Alicia is a social media authority with a weekly newsletter called The Squeeze and a membership community. She has been featured on Family Talk Radio, Women on Top and Thrive Global.

Alicia lives in Ontario, Canada with her two young children and dog, Mac.




Feel whole, hopeful and happy while you crush divorce and transform into your authentic self with quick wins, mindset shifts and growth through mindful reflection. All that helped me to quickly re-set during challenging and forgiving times through divorce.

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